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Kurtulmuş’tan, António Guterres’e Mektup

Kurtulmuş’tan, António Guterres’e Mektup
  • 03.08.2022
  • 357 kez okundu

Kurtulmuş’tan, António Guterres’e Mektup

İbrahim Kurtulmuş, Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri António Guterres’e Mektup yazdı.

Türk Aktivist İbrahim Kurtuluş, Genel Kurul Başkanı Abdulla Shahid, “Ermeni Soykırımı”nı tanıyan anıt ziyaretine atıfda bulunarak Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri António Guterres’e bir mektup yazarak Genel Kurul Dönem Başkanı Abdulla Shahid’a eleştirilerde bulundu.

İbrahim Kurtuluş’un, İngilizce kaleme aldığı Mektup şu şekilde;

Sayın Genel Sekreter Guterres ve BM Üst Düzey Yöneticileri,

Dear Secretary-General Guterres and U.N. Senior Managers, When General Assembly President Abdulla Shahid recognized the “Genocide of Armenians,” he perpetrated an egregious act compromising the United Nations’ integrity. (Armenians attempted U.N. approval with 1985’s Whitaker Report, but U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq emphasized “no” in 2000.) If Mr. Shahid were to say the N-word, a firestorm would erupt. What he perpetrated was exponentially worse.

There is no end to Turk-unfriendly references that corroborate how Armenians massively rebelled even before WWI involved Ottomans at the end of 1914. Three dismemberment-minded superpowers were invading on every front, and their allies, the traitorous Armenians, were operating from behind-the-lines to siphon away Ottoman military strength. A temporary relocation of some one-third of their 1.5 million prewar population to farther away villages, a necessary security measure, was the Ottomans’ response. The propaganda claims 1.5 million were “murdered,” but half-a-million was the factual toll, most deaths resulting from famine, disease (causes killing most other Ottomans), and combat. The facts:

There is no evidence (the 1948 U.N. Convention requires proof of “intent”). The factual evidence renders the genocide possibility as null and void. The charge has come to be blindly accepted given centuries-old anti-Turkish prejudice that is granted license for by society. Three systematic extermination campaigns conducted by Armenians and Greeks in the WWI era, claiming the lives of nearly two million “Turks,” are never mentioned, thus valuing one “race” over another

The idea behind both images is to portray the targeted ones as less-than-human (pictures in original letter) . The image on the left is worse, because the idea is to make the targeted people out to be not only subhuman, as with the image on the right, but inhuman, as well. If anyone were to attempt to present the idea behind the image on the right as valid in this day and age (especially in a public school; it would be inconceivable), that person would be out-the-door in one minute. Yet presenting the idea behind the image on the left is not only acceptable, the ones who reinforce the idea behind the image are looked upon as heroes. Since all opposition has been eliminated, the genocide charge represents the only case of permissibleinstitutionalized and systemic racism in the West.

Mr. Guterres, you once proclaimed: “Hate speech is a direct assault on our core values of tolerance, inclusion and respect for human rights and human dignity.” Even the Armenian Patriarch has said the charge “increases hate speech.”(https://tinyurl.com/yckz9dxm.) Anti-Turkish animosity is so entrenched, the facts mean nothing. To make up for Mr. Shahid’s bigotry, please set up a special commission that will impartially study this evil that’s disguised as “human rights.”

 Thank you —

Ibrahim Kurtulus 

Community Activist 


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